Monday, April 25, 2011

Removing Bearings From Metal Core

chocolate. Rice

Whole kitchen Dulce in its proposal for April Bavarois invites us to prepare.

And I thought to start Monday after bingeing light of those days. But who could resist this proposal?? We
last night after spending the weekend away and I giving the coconut to see who could make the Bavarian ... and of course I have always ingredient is chocolate, of course ...
Again Whole surprised me and I'm excited to see what plays next month.
has a mousse-like texture, and despite having prepared this morning to very first hour and I desgustar! And I have one in the freezer for my sister also enjoy ... What you're dying to try??

Now a little history ... It seems to be of Swiss origin, and French, large cabinets that were included in their culinary repertoire. It is a creamy dessert whose main ingredients are gelatin and meringue or whipped cream (mine with whipped cream meringue that I do not like ...). Ideally, prepare the day before, but I will say that mine has gone to the refrigerator thermomix and after a couple of hours had already filled and very rich ...

I have reduced the rate by half and got some 4 cups. Isra, ready to be our dessert tonight ...

Ingredients for 8 cups :

- 200 gr. black chocolate
- 375 ml. milk
- 4 egg yolks
- 90 gr. sugar
- 1 packet gelatin neutral royal
- 315 ml. of double cream

traditional preparation as whole kitchen :

1 .- Mix the chocolate and milk in a small saucepan. Stir over low heat until chocolate is melted and milk to a boil. Remove the pan from heat.
2 .- Beat the yolks with the sugar. Gradually add hot milk with the chocolate, whisking until well blended.
3 .- Pour the mixture into a clean saucepan and heat it over low heat until thickened. Remove from heat before it boils.
4 .- Put 2 tablespoons of water in a small bowl, sprinkle the gelatin and let it acquire a spongy appearance. The add to the above mixture stirring until dissolved.
5 .-
get into the refrigerator until cold without actually thicken, stirring occasionally. Whip the cream and add to the mixture in two batches.
6 .- Finally the deal in the molds where we present and let it cool overnight.
7 .- Ready to taste this delicious!

thermomix Preparation:

1 .- Put the butterfly in the glass and add cold cream. Programme 45 seconds, speed 3 and 1 / 2. We took the cup and reserve in refrigerator. (One hour before preparing the glass got in the fridge so it would be chilly.)
2 .- Remove the wing and add the chocolate into pieces. The grind speed 20 seconds 8.
3 .- We got the chocolate with a spatula and add the yolks and sugar. Programs 4 minutes, 70 °, Speed \u200b\u200b5.
4 .- Back out the gelatin in a little cold milk and incorporate it into the glass along with the rest of cold milk. Mix 10 seconds, speed 4.
5 .- Pour the mixture into a bowl and mix with whipped cream careful that this does not fall.
6 .- Place the mixture in the mold or molds (a taste of the consumer) and let it cool for a few hours in the refrigerator. Better if we make from day to day ....
7 .- The stripped just before serving and we can enjoy this pleasure!


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