The blog Film Food have created Ingrid and Alba with the idea of \u200b\u200bmerging his two great passions: cinema and cuisine, not forgetting the photographer ...
each entry listed in both and invite us to participate in challenges.
each entry listed in both and invite us to participate in challenges.
For the first we have translated form to film Julie & Julia , which happened some time ago I saw a train ride and I loved it.
We propose a recipe from his book, which is in English. Incidentally there is a blog where their owners have been proposed to translate and be making all the recipes in the book, called pots walks among fire.
have a wide variety of recipes, I leave the link to which I have chosen: html
There are many proposals scrumptious sweets, but after the excesses of these days I prefer to prepare Sole backs a very healthy and tasty that was our dinner last night with some mushrooms with garlic and a salad.
Ingredients for two:
- 1 tablespoon minced shallot or onion finely
- 2 large steaks sole skin and bones
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 tablespoon butter cut into pieces
- 1 cup dry white wine mixed water or fish stock made with white wine.
- Role of buttered oven
1 .- Preheat oven to 180 º.
2 .- Spread with butter container that is suitable for the fire, the oven.
3 .- Distribute la mitad de la chalota o cebolla en el fondo de la fuente. Salpimenta ligeramente los filetes de lenguado y colócalos formando una capa sobre la cebolla.
4.- Espolvorea por encima el resto de chalota o cebolla y reparte los trocitos de mantequilla por todo el pescado. Vierte por encima la mezcla fría de vino y agua y si es necesario echa un poco más de agua, de manera que los filetes queden apenas cubiertos.
5.- Ponlo a fuego lento, y espera hasta que llegue casi a hervir. Retíralo entonces del fuego y cúbrelo con el papel de horno untado en mantequilla.
6.- Mételo al horno en the lower third. Keep the liquid to a simmer for 8 to 12 minutes depending on thickness of fillets.
7 .- Fish is done when it can pass easily with a fork. Be careful not to cook too, since in that case would dry up or fall apart.