Friday, April 29, 2011

Birthday Card For Daughter's 18th Birthday

fillets of sole with wine from Julia Child.

The blog Film Food have created Ingrid and Alba with the idea of \u200b\u200bmerging his two great passions: cinema and cuisine, not forgetting the photographer ...
each entry listed in both and invite us to participate in challenges.
For the first we have translated form to film Julie & Julia , which happened some time ago I saw a train ride and I loved it.

We propose a recipe from his book, which is in English. Incidentally there is a blog where their owners have been proposed to translate and be making all the recipes in the book, called pots walks among fire.
have a wide variety of recipes, I leave the link to which I have chosen: html

There are many proposals scrumptious sweets, but after the excesses of these days I prefer to prepare Sole backs a very healthy and tasty that was our dinner last night with some mushrooms with garlic and a salad.

Ingredients for two:

- 1 tablespoon minced shallot or onion finely
- 2 large steaks sole skin and bones
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 tablespoon butter cut into pieces
- 1 cup dry white wine mixed water or fish stock made with white wine.
- Role of buttered oven


1 .- Preheat oven to 180 º.
2 .- Spread with butter container that is suitable for the fire, the oven.
3 .- Distribute la mitad de la chalota o cebolla en el fondo de la fuente. Salpimenta ligeramente los filetes de lenguado y colócalos formando una capa sobre la cebolla.

4.- Espolvorea por encima el resto de chalota o cebolla y reparte los trocitos de mantequilla por todo el pescado. Vierte por encima la mezcla fría de vino y agua y si es necesario echa un poco más de agua, de manera que los filetes queden apenas cubiertos.

5.- Ponlo a fuego lento, y espera hasta que llegue casi a hervir. Retíralo entonces del fuego y cúbrelo con el papel de horno untado en mantequilla.

6.- Mételo al horno en the lower third. Keep the liquid to a simmer for 8 to 12 minutes depending on thickness of fillets.
7 .- Fish is done when it can pass easily with a fork. Be careful not to cook too, since in that case would dry up or fall apart.

If you urge and you tell me! Is greatly facilitated and is very tasty ...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Best Indoor Rc Helicopter 2010

Baked Salmon with broccoli flowers. Bags

Salmon is one of my favorite fish. I'm more of meat, but I plan to buy fish every time you go to the supermarket and do differently to not get bored.
This recipe is from Eva Arguiñano, I love the kitchen, every day I see a little and makes your program very easy and delicious recipes.
The flavor of soy and sesame, along with the lemon juice gives it a distinct flavor. It's very simple, while vegetables sauté preheat the oven and marinate the salmon.
If you tell me .... I animais

Marcela's blog Colorín Colorado, organized now a virtual party, whose requirement is to "let your imagination flourish," that is involved with flowers .... And you might be wondering, what you have to see the salmon and vegetables with flowers?? For much, here's the proof!
was thinking of making a cheesecake with petal jam, but when I saw the broccoli thought, "that so beautiful bouquet of flowers." Do not you think??
Incidentally, do not hesitate to visit the blog which organizes the festival is wonderful! And if you want to come you are in time! # comments

Ingredients for two:

- 2 slices clean salmon
- 1 piece red pepper
- 1 slice of leek
- 2 carrots
- several clusters of broccoli
- 15 gr. sesame seeds
- 1 tablespoon butter ½
- half lemon juice
- 50 gr. soy sauce

Preparation :

1 .- Preheat oven to 180 º up and down.
2 .- Put in a dish of soy sauce, sesame seeds and lemon juice. Enter the salmon and let marinate for a while. Turn over from time to time to wet out on all sides. Remove salmon to a plate and reserve the soaking liquid to make gravy.
3 .- Cut the bell pepper, carrot and leek into julienne strips. Put soften in a skillet first and when the pepper begins to soften, add the carrot and leek finally. Cook over low heat until the vegetables are poached (adds salt only if you think appropriate taking into account that carries soy sauce).
4 .- In the meantime put a pot of water to boil with a little salt and oil and add the broccoli, let it cook for five minutes over high heat and saute a few minutes later along with the other vegetables. 5 .- Dora
both sides salmon in a pan. Place in a baking dish and bake for 2-3 minutes at 180 º C.
6 .- Put the broth in which you have marinated in a saucepan and let reduce. Bring to the boil, add the butter and cook over low heat until consistency lame. 7 .-
Emplate, salmon served with Sprinkle with vegetables and sauce.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Streaming Unleashed Jet Li

sausage and apple. Bavarois

These bags prepared them for a week to watch the game. We got home half an hour before the start after being a week away ... I opened the fridge and the poor thing was trembling! Wafer saw and remembered that he had bought just for them!
I gave whim after seeing them on the blog Desirvientadas . A blog with delicious recipes! If you do not know it is a must. I leave the link:

I got down to work and just when the game began were on the table!
We loved it, the sweetness of apple and pine nuts combine great with the sausage saborcito. Of course, for the next time I'll add caramelized onions.

This recipe participated in the tapas and tapas contest organized by Irene's blog Sabor Print . If you like to participate the deadline is May 2. Good luck to everyone s!

Ingredients for 10 bags :

- 1 package wafer "the cook."
- 2 blocks
- a handful of pine nuts
- 2
sausage - 1 tablespoon butter.


1 .- Preheat oven to 180 º up and down.
2 .- peel and chop into thin slices the two blocks.
3 .- In a pan, put a knob of butter and when melted add the apples along with the pine nuts and leave to simmer-half until the apples are poached, turning occasionally with a spoon stick.
4 .- We took skin from sausage and incorporate them into the mixture, let simmer about 5 minutes, until everything is well blended, stirring occasionally.
5 .- In a baking tray and put baking paper on the wafers. Are put in the center of each wafer a spoonful of filling. Then close the wafer "like a sack." (If you have it you can close with chives chives like decorative, it was not my case ...).
6 .- Finally, we raise the oven temperature to 200 º and bake about 10 minutes, until we see that the dough is golden.
serve and tasted 7 .- with a wine red, um .... Luxury! Let me know!

That tonight your favorite team win!

A photo of the cut ....

Monday, April 25, 2011

Removing Bearings From Metal Core

chocolate. Rice

Whole kitchen Dulce in its proposal for April Bavarois invites us to prepare.

And I thought to start Monday after bingeing light of those days. But who could resist this proposal?? We
last night after spending the weekend away and I giving the coconut to see who could make the Bavarian ... and of course I have always ingredient is chocolate, of course ...
Again Whole surprised me and I'm excited to see what plays next month.
has a mousse-like texture, and despite having prepared this morning to very first hour and I desgustar! And I have one in the freezer for my sister also enjoy ... What you're dying to try??

Now a little history ... It seems to be of Swiss origin, and French, large cabinets that were included in their culinary repertoire. It is a creamy dessert whose main ingredients are gelatin and meringue or whipped cream (mine with whipped cream meringue that I do not like ...). Ideally, prepare the day before, but I will say that mine has gone to the refrigerator thermomix and after a couple of hours had already filled and very rich ...

I have reduced the rate by half and got some 4 cups. Isra, ready to be our dessert tonight ...

Ingredients for 8 cups :

- 200 gr. black chocolate
- 375 ml. milk
- 4 egg yolks
- 90 gr. sugar
- 1 packet gelatin neutral royal
- 315 ml. of double cream

traditional preparation as whole kitchen :

1 .- Mix the chocolate and milk in a small saucepan. Stir over low heat until chocolate is melted and milk to a boil. Remove the pan from heat.
2 .- Beat the yolks with the sugar. Gradually add hot milk with the chocolate, whisking until well blended.
3 .- Pour the mixture into a clean saucepan and heat it over low heat until thickened. Remove from heat before it boils.
4 .- Put 2 tablespoons of water in a small bowl, sprinkle the gelatin and let it acquire a spongy appearance. The add to the above mixture stirring until dissolved.
5 .-
get into the refrigerator until cold without actually thicken, stirring occasionally. Whip the cream and add to the mixture in two batches.
6 .- Finally the deal in the molds where we present and let it cool overnight.
7 .- Ready to taste this delicious!

thermomix Preparation:

1 .- Put the butterfly in the glass and add cold cream. Programme 45 seconds, speed 3 and 1 / 2. We took the cup and reserve in refrigerator. (One hour before preparing the glass got in the fridge so it would be chilly.)
2 .- Remove the wing and add the chocolate into pieces. The grind speed 20 seconds 8.
3 .- We got the chocolate with a spatula and add the yolks and sugar. Programs 4 minutes, 70 °, Speed \u200b\u200b5.
4 .- Back out the gelatin in a little cold milk and incorporate it into the glass along with the rest of cold milk. Mix 10 seconds, speed 4.
5 .- Pour the mixture into a bowl and mix with whipped cream careful that this does not fall.
6 .- Place the mixture in the mold or molds (a taste of the consumer) and let it cool for a few hours in the refrigerator. Better if we make from day to day ....
7 .- The stripped just before serving and we can enjoy this pleasure!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tricks To Changing Rook Piercing

AvistarPeru 2011.

Peruvian Sheartail Thaumatura cora. Photo: Alfredo Fernandez
We are pleased to announce that it will begin annually on birding festival in Lima - Peru named Spot - inspired by the sighting in Sao Paolo Brazil - between 2 to 6 November .

For the festival I attach some points

  • Organizers: Kolibri Expeditions, with the support of Inkaterra, Miraflores Municipality, Municipality of Lima, Villa Marshes and Living-in-Peru and individuals such as former Ministers of Tourism - Mr Eduardo Arrarte and Pablo Lopez de Romana.

  • General Public. It is leading the festival to a general audience, not necessarily converted birdwatchers. The idea is to increase the number of nature lovers, to create more demand for ecological services and thus observation of the natural resources.

  • Kennedy Park, Miraflores . Easy access, plenty of passers-free (except workshops and tours that have small costs). Workshops

  • . Photography, painting, building feeders, etc. for adults and children. Fair

  • : Mesa business, in which are cameras, binoculars, hotels and eco-lodges, tours, field clothing, camping gear, books, etc. 22 stands for 3 days. Participants in the show can be booked for one day, two days or three days. It is possible that different days have different themes - depending on how many speakers would. Topic

  • Lima. Each year covers a geographical topic of Peru. To begin the first year is intended for the department of Lima. It is a challenge to the citizens of the capital ratios over the nature and the environment. In 2012, the theme will be the Centre.

  • Symposium. There will be three symposium.
    1. Villa swamps. Villa Wetlands make it more friendly to visitors and meet the challenges of observation.
    2. Rimac Valley and Santa Eulalia. Problems of observation and water retention. Promote their importance. Eco-tourism development in this area as an engine for observation. Effects on water supply to global warming.
    3. Audubon Peru. Forming a partnership birding in Peru - which is suitable for beginners just starting birdwatching. Invite all actors of ornithology and birding and nature in Peru for a round table. As we make the creation of a network or association in order to initiate the masses to have an admiration for nature?

  • Photo Contest. In Brazil's Spot, the photo competition has involved thousands of people. Photography is really the new entrance to bird watching. The methodology notebook and binoculars for the beginner, has been replaced by a digital camera with multi-x optical zoom and HD video function. The Internet replaces the book as a guide to birds. The bird photography contest will be central to the fair. I will leave the details.

  • Field trips. The order Nov. 5-6 weeks we will make several field trips. Destinations include Santa Eulalia, Marcapomacocha and Ticlio, Villa Marshes to Pachacamac and Palomino Island with Window and Poza Arenillas in Callao. Guided

  • Free Parks Lima. Promote parks Lima, Miraflores and San Isidro matina activity (between 6-7.30 AM) in three days Wednesday 2 to Friday 4 November. Need volunteers for this activity. Tell us where you park near you!

  • Paper Bird Lima - free online. Perhaps one of the parties to this most exciting project of this project is to produce a book on birds of the department in line. This will be a draft which will be among many people in portal . Already exists in this page a database which can add data. We need about 40 people which each is responsible for 10 species. There are altogether about 370 species recorded in Lima.
    There will also be a part of introduction that explains how to start birding in this century and decade .... osea a camera and online resources. The next step is to buy binoculars and all, but that comes after being initiated.
    When the book is ready, will be available for storage in the computer, laptop, iPad, iPhone etc. with the advantage to be embedded videos and bird sounds when one is available online. We will also print some copies to 500-1000 will be sold at the fair. Contributors to the book and volunteers will receive a copy free of charge. The idea is that while perhaps a book can sell 1000 copies at most, a free book could have 10000 or because 100,000 downloads. Imagine what impact it might have, with 100000 birding in Peru.
Although this is a project that was born of initiative Kolibri Expeditions is a project by all who love birds. We invite you all to participate and collaborate. The festival is organized nonprofit and hopefully all bird lovers to participate.

More information on the website of AvistarPeru . There is also a page on Facebook .

also there is a powerpoint available on which gives the justification for birdwatching in Lima and in Peru is more important than looks. To convert thousands of Peruvian nature lovers create a demand for a healthy environment and give opportunity to the communities that still have extensive areas of unspoilt habitat reserves to make these eco-logical services.

Put the dates in their calendars. 2-6 November 1: st AvistarPeru. Do not miss it and participate by birds of Peru.

PHOTO: Peruvian Sheartail by Alfredo Fernandez

Friday, April 22, 2011

What's The Best Free Place To Make Invitations

pinto beans.

On Wednesday afternoon when I got home after a few days with my mom found me in the mailbox magazine "thermomix magazine" in May . I was wishing unpack and get comfortable for ojearla.
I noticed, among other things, this simple but tasty rice pinto beans or red beans "and the next day I was ready and we were not disappointed. It is a stew with a characteristic taste due to the mixture of cumin with the carrot. Isra said he reminded the Cuban food. The texture is like a risotto.

With this rice participate in the proposal of the blog April Pink Pepper, rice asks us "safe, simple and tasty, and for me this fulfills all three requirements.

Ingredients for two:

- 200 gr. canned red beans
- 100 gr.
onion - 1 carrot, peeled and cut
- 1 / 2 clove garlic
- 100 gr. green and red peppers (I a piece of red)
- 25 gr. olive oil
- 100 gr. fried tomato
- 250 gr.
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 / 2 vegetable bouillon
- 1 / 2 teaspoon ground cumin
- a pinch of pepper

Traditional Preparation:
1 .- Pour the red beans in a colander and rinsed with cold water. Reserve.
2 .- In a pan put oil and when hot add the onion, carrot, garlic and pepper, all cut into small pieces, and we turn with a wooden spoon from time to time until it is braised.
3 .- Here we incorporate the tomato sauce and rice and sauté 3 minutes.
4 .- Add the water, bay leaves, bouillon, cumin and pepper and boil over medium-fast for 12 minutes. In the last five minutes add the beans.
5 .- Pour the contents of the glass in a deep dish and serve.

thermomix Preparation:

1 .- Pour the red beans varoma container and rinse with plenty of cold water. Reserve.
2 .- We in the cup onion, carrot, garlic and pepper. Programs 3 seconds, speed 5.
3 .- With the knife went down the remains of vegetables and add the oil. Sauté 7 minutes, varoma, speed 1.
4 .- Add the tomato sauce and rice and sauté 3 minutes, varoma, left turn, speed spoon.
5 .- Add the water, bay leaves, bouillon, cumin and pepper. We place the bowl in place varoma and schedule 12 minutes varoma, left turn, speed 1. If you see that it is hard programmed a few more minutes at the same temperature and speed.
6 .- Pour the contents of the glass in a deep bowl and add the beans. Mix with spatula and serve.

Hope you like!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can A Headscissor Kill

Easter Monas. Banana cake

is the first time I prepare something typical of Easter, the things I'll learn to blog! I ENCHANTED!
Although I have done with the Thermomix resisted. The mass has gone "tacky" and remove them after they've had to gradually add flour and knead again. But how rich you are and I have forgotten the job!
The first piece has fallen with a decaf after dinner, but since they have to be rich is dipping in the Cola Cao, umm!
With the amounts I put out two "monazas" I think we will spend several days tasted. Too bad because my sister is away from Isra, she and I would be seen and not seen: (
The cooked egg is painted with food coloring, as I have not had improvised a rustic spots and has been very Andalusian ...

this recipe I got from a blog spectacular Bites Heaven, with some amazing photos that catch the eye.
I leave the link to the recipe, I copied ; verbatim from the blog of Clemen.

Ingredients for two monkeys:

- 500 gr. bread flour (I've put about 600)
- 130 gr. sugar, plus 25 gr. sprinkle
- 2 eggs, plus one batter to paint monkeys
- 125 ml.
- 40 ml. olive oil
- A lemon rind
- An orange juice grated over your
- 40 gr. baker's yeast, if it's dry 15 gr.
- A pinch of salt

Traditional Preparation:

1 .- Heat little water, very little that is warm, if too hot can kill the yeast, add oil, orange juice, yeast, eggs and sugar. Mix a little with a spoon and keep adding the flour, grated orange and lemon and salt. Knead with hands until dough is smooth. If we see that we need a little more flour add it. Make a ball and leave in a tightly covered bowl until doubled in volume, it usually takes just over an hour.
degassed 2 .- (knead gently to go back down the ground) and form two balls (we can get oil on your hands to stick to us) to leave and on the baking tray lined with baking paper . We left to return to weigh, about 1 hour. When they are painted with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar.
3 .- Bake at 175 º for 25 minutes. (Do not preheat the oven.) In the last 10 minutes, then covered with baking paper to prevent burning.

thermomix Preparation:

1 .- Put the oil in the glass, water and juice, 3 minutes , vel 2, 37 º.
2 .- Add the yeast, sugar and eggs, 30 seconds, vel 4.
3 .- Finally, the flour, salt and grated, 4 minutes, speed spike. If you need more flour we can add a little more, I added about 100g. more.
4 .- let rest until doubled in volume, just over an hour or more if needed.
5 .- We are two balls (we can get oil on your hands so that we are not sticking), cover a baking tray with baking paper and place it above the mass already formed. Leaving weigh a second time, in an hour. Paint with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar.
6 .- Bake at 175 º for 25 minutes. (Do not preheat the oven.) the last 10 minutes, then covered with baking paper to prevent burning.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Plat In The Front Of Your Hair


Me love anything sweet! Since you noticed ...
This was the last cake I made and delicious! The banana makes it a tad wet and the smell left in my house is priceless.
I've taken the blog of Natalia Varoma Kitchen. love this blog, your recipes are healthy and rich!
I changed the normal integral flour and sugar by brown integral. So as more quiet and I am mistaken thinking that is not fattening.
hope if you do you like it as much as me! Mine takes half of ingredients and at that time only had two ripe bananas.

I want to thank the blog Ines Deco Boho Chic entry I spent yesterday in his blog. The deco is another of my passions and I have restored a dresser that has almost 50 years. I love how your blog has been Ines, and I know you since you created!


- 4-5 ripe bananas, peeled
- 150 g brown sugar integral
- 4 eggs
- 1 pinch of salt
- 70 g sunflower oil
- 200 g wheat flour
- 1 sachet baking powder
- brown sugar to sprinkle

    Preparation Traditional :
  1. Preheat oven to 180 º up and down.
  2. Crush bananas with sugar and pinch of salt.
  3. Grind in a blender and when the mixture is incorporated add the eggs and beat for a couple of minutes.
  4. Add the oil and mix until blended with the mixture.
  5. introduce the flour and baking powder and beat 20 seconds. If necessary, just wrap with a spatula.
  6. Pour mixture into a mold that we have previously spread with a few drops of oil and sprinkle with brown sugar.
  7. Place in the oven for 30-35 minutes at 170 º.
  8. hope to cool, unmold and desgustar!
thermomix Preparation:
  1. Preheat oven to 180 º up and down.
  2. We
    bananas in the bowl with the sugar and pinch of salt. Crush 20 seconds on speed 6. We went down the ingredients that have been on the walls with a spatula and repeat the operation if necessary.
  3. We put the butterfly, add eggs and schedule 4 minutes on speed 2.
  4. Add the oil and mix for 4 minutes same speed, 2.
  5. introduce the flour and baking powder and schedule 20 seconds at speed 3. If necessary, we just wrap with a spatula.
  6. We pour the mixture obtained in the source chosen. Place in the oven for 30 minutes at 170 º.
  7. Once the cake let it cool, unmold and take.

Happy Holidays!

Star Wars The Clone Wars Hentia

school, true! Interview with José Antonio Marina

Kates Playground Special

As dyeing Easter eggs.

There are many explanations for this tradition, but I will explain one of them, ok?

In Christianity

exchange chocolate Easter eggs is widespread in Poland, Germany , Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, USA, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile and in parts of Mexico , has been held for just over 8 centuries.

At this time the cake begin to decorate their windows with colorful chocolate eggs.

By associating the egg fertility and Easter to coincide with the spring season, fertile season par excellence, it is established throughout Europe as a symbol of Easter. So quickly time pastry chefs began to develop by using different ingredients. First it was sugar, then chocolate.

In the Middle Ages the exchange of eggs was made with turtle eggs to which they were applying in the shell for decoration. Many times they were true works of art.

The custom of colored eggs hiding in the gardens of the houses to the joy and happiness of children that are, are still held in many countries. It symbolizes the persecution of Jesus by Herod and the intervention of God to avoid being found. [Citation needed] Curiously, in the White House lawn on Easter develops a unique race kids who roll the eggs. Desire that go farther without breaking them. [Citation needed]

In the Middle East are still exchanging crimson eggs, to remember Christ's blood. The Armenians empty and decorated with images of Christ and the Virgin. And in Poland and Ukraine for Easter, true works of art made with melted wax on the shell

Source taken from;

Let's see how you dye the Easter eggs?

Preparing To dye the egg color

There are many ways to prepare the color, the best known formula:

- ½ cup warm water 2 tablespoons

-10 drops vinegar
food coloring
Once the eggs have the desired color, then dried. Then you can decorate with paint, stickers or stickers.
If they are eggs cooked to be consumed then you should be careful to use only paints and glues are not toxic, even if you go to use them only on the shell.

Advanced Techniques:

Wrap the egg with a cuerda.Puede be wool, acrylic or cotton.
Each will give different results. Another alternative is to place rubber washers of different thicknesses,

If you are going to use the boiled egg will be more

easy to apply this technique, which if will use the shell alone, we will be more difficult for potential that we break, but not impossible. Once submerged the stained first color, let dry, remove the strings or elastic covering is placed back
other areas and are immersed again in another color, so until we get our eggs decorated to our liking.

NOTE: These eggs have not furnished me, are my friend who is English but has lived 22 years in Germany, which continues this tradition! Isabel
Thanks for letting me do this post with your photos. Angel

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Waterbirth In Westmead

Focaccia with herbs and bacon.

Whole kitchen Salada in its proposal for April, invites us to prepare Focaccia.

I was flabbergasted, not imagined that this mass could be so rich! It is a flat bread and is characterized by being seasoned with salt, olive oil and rosemary.
In my case I had I've put rosemary and oregano and thyme and the result has been great ... It was the first time I've prepared but I'll repeat it safe and experimenting with different ingredients.
The story is the precursor focaccia pizza. The difference between the two is in the thickness of the dough.
I got this recipe from the blog of easy Pilar Kitchen , although I made modifications to adapt to the ingredients I had at home, but hey, as in the pizza you can put whatever you like ...


- 50g. bacon
- a few pitted black olives
- 20 gr. fresh yeast
- 25 gr. warm water
- 1 / 2 teaspoon sugar
- 20 gr. oil
- 90 gr. milk
- 225 gr. bread flour
- 1 / 2 teaspoon salt


- 1 tablespoon thyme
- 1 tablespoon oregano
- 1 / 4 teaspoon coarse salt
- 15 gr. oil
- 15 gr.

traditional preparation according Whole kitchen :

1 .- Mix the yeast with half the warm water and sugar. Let stand in warm place for 10 minutes or until foaming.
2 .- Mix half the flour and salt and make a hole in the center. Add remaining water and oil to yeast and pour the mixture into the hole.
3 .- Gradually beat the flour into the liquid until it is absorbed. When the dough is too stiff to stir dough into a ball with your hands.
4 .- Knead the pastry for several minutes until the dough is elastic, use the palm of the hand to stretch it until it is of a thickness of 1 cm.
5 .- Put the dough on the baking sheet, cover with a clean cloth and let it weigh 30 minutes.
6 .- With your fingers make holes all over the surface for them to accumulate the oil and let it weigh an hour or until doubled in size.
7 .- Preheat oven to 200 º.
8 .- This is the time when we add the chosen ingredients.
9 .- Bake for 10 or 11 minutes or until browned on the edges.
10 .- Let cool 5 minutes and serve.

thermomix Preparation:

1 .- Pour yeast into the glass, water and sugar. Blend 10 seconds, speed 3. Let stand about 20 minutes, to ferment.
2 .- Add the oil, milk, flour and salt. Program 3 minutes, speed spike. Let stand in the bowl until doubled in volume (1 hour)..
3 .- Wash the pot, and put all the dressing ingredients and program 5 seconds, speed 4.
4 .- Preheat oven to 220 º.
5 .- Grease pan with oil. Spread the dough into the mold pressing with oiled hands.
6 .- Sprinkle with bacon and olives and pour the dressing over the entire surface of the dough. With fingertips, small mark across the surface cracks.
7 .- Bake 25 to 30 minutes.
8 .- Cut and serve.

A rich mouthful, if you tell me the you already do!!