points show plural agreement drafted during the early morning of May 18 at the Puerta del Sol
The meeting at the Puerta del Sol, aware that this is an ongoing action and resistance, have agreed to state the following:
1. After many years of apathy, a group of people of different ages and backgrounds (students, teachers, librarians, unemployed workers ...), fit with your lack of representation and the treachery carried out with the name democracy, gathered in front of the Sun around the idea of \u200b\u200breal democracy.
2. Real Democracy is opposed to the gradual discrediting the institutions that claim to represent, which have become mere agents of administration and management, serving in the military power international finance.
3. Democracy is promoted from the corrupt bureaucratic apparatus is simply a set of safe electoral practices, where citizens have no involvement.
4. The discrediting of politics has led to a sequestration of the words from those in power. We back the words, meanings for that language is handled in order to allow the citizenry defenseless and incapable of cohesive action.
5. But the examples of manipulation and hijacking of language are numerous and are a tool of control and disinformation.
6. Real Democracy means putting names to the shame which we live: International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank, NATO, European Union, the credit rating agencies like Moody's and Standard and Poor's, Partido Popular, PSOE, but there are many more and our obligation is name them.
7. It must build a political discourse capable of rebuilding the social fabric, systematically violated by years of lies and corrupciĆ³n.Los citizens have lost respect for the major political parties, but this is not to lose our critical sense. Rather, we are not afraid to politics. Take the word is POLITICS. Seek alternative is parrticipaciĆ³n POLICY citizen.
8. One of our main premises is a reform of the Electoral Act to return to its true meaning of Democracy: a government of citizens. Participate democracy.
9. We emphasize that the people gathered here TRANSGENERATIONAL formed a movement because we belong to different generations doomed to intolerable loss of participation in political decisions that shape their daily lives and their future.
10. No call for abstention, we need to have our vote unainfluencia real in our lives.
11. Today we are not simply here to claim access to mortgages or to protest the labor market failures. THIS IS AN EVENT. As such, an event can give new meaning to our actions and speeches. This resulted from the RAGE. But our anger is imagination, strength, power, citizen.
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