Good! As presented the weekend??
today's recipe is very appropriate for a Saturday night.
This rib Flori my aunt does and gets rich! Well that and all ... Among the pleasant company, good food and my uncle always gives us an exquisite wine a pleasure to eat at home!
This is one of those recipes that once you put the sauce on top and put it in the oven is virtually alone. You just have to gradually add wine from time to time, when we see that the broth is reduced. When I have time I do the potatoes shaped ball with the apple corer and are very showy. The mixture of honey with the pepper gives it a special flavor! Just
I have pictures, because when we realized we had already begun ...
The recipe is from the book or magazine "Learn to live."
Serves 4 :
- 4 large pieces of pork ribs
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- ; 2 tablespoons of honey
- 1 tablespoon paprika
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 4 potatoes
- ; 1 glass of white wine
- salt
Preparación :
1.- Precalentamos el horno a 200º arriba y abajo.
2.- Comenzamos quitando la grasa a la carne con unas tijeras.
3.- En un bol se mezcla el azúcar, la miel, el pimentón, el aceite y la sal, hasta conseguir una pasta rojiza. (Yo la meto al microondas un minuto para que se derrita un poco y sea más fácil de untar. También le pongo una cucharada más de cada ingrediente para que salga mas sabrosa la salsa).
4 .- Place the ribs on a baking sheet and brush the going brushing on both sides. Add the potatoes and bake at 190 º for 45 minutes in the oven position up and down (parts I potatoes into small pieces and incorporate 10-15 minutes to put meat in the oven.)
5 .- You have to be watered occasionally meat with white wine.
6 .- Finally serve the meat with four or five pieces of potato with a little sauce on top!
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