Between the lines I heard from Silvio Rodríguez "... is not the same, but equal." half may sound absurd, so unbelievable, but now I know it can be real, and it shows what are the Municipal Protection Areas against what were (or wanted to be) the Municipal Conservation Areas.
interrupted due to childbirth, what had been the ACMs legamente, we now response Municipal Protection Areas, areas with the aim of preserving biodiversity in areas that are representative for a mayor or ecological importance within their jurisdiction. These are out of the hands of SINANPE and not found within any of the categories of NPAs established according to law, but his "illegal" is held under municipal ordinances de creación de éstas, las cuales son nombradas como zonas reservadas de protección municipal, reservas ecológicas, o inclusive como áreas de conservación municipal, entre otras: todas bajo la misma esencia de conservación.
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