Friday, October 23, 2009

Sample Letter Of Request To Cut The Telephone

And their contributions

The National Network of Regional Conservation Areas and Local - renacales created in response to the need to communicate experiences and involve regional and local initiatives for conservation and management of biodiversity that are carried out in different parts of our country, translated into processes of creation and management of Conservation Areas and Regional Council.

This network has its own portal where you can find a map with information on some of the MPAs and RTAs department, publications related to the issue of municipal conservation areas and proposals for consolidation, discussion forums, and other links. Renacales Also has a newsletter which presents the progress and issues concerning Conservation Areas and Local Regional.

Callable is the information presented on the results of the Second National Meeting of Conservation Areas and Local Regional held in May this year. This meeting was to consolidate the progress of experience in managing conservation areas and regional and local guide a path of joint work between the different levels of government, the private sector and civil society. In the meeting's results shows the confirmation of legal loopholes to regulate the local conservation areas, highlighting the need to strengthen the legal regime .

Unfortunately there is not an update of information on the website where you can appreciate renacales an opinion against the current status of MPAs is considering organization more connected to the issue of MPAs and RTAs.

Does Anyone Have A Shadow Pikachu

renacales First poll: stat

Although low participation, the first survey: "Do you think it is important to establish MPAs?" throws an interesting result which states that 83% of participants believe that MPAs are an important means to preserve nature, while 16% did not think that the municipalities do not have the ability to manage without being against the creation of them. These results reflect overall perception that one possesses about the importance of the creation of MPAs to conserve biodiversity for the country and in turn expresses the existing problems around the efficient management of MPAs and their maintenance over time. This last point is part of the discussion about their exclusion from SINANPE.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Baptismal Cake Verses

An experience speaks a thousand definitions!


Like you wanted reader, we have more than once to enjoy the sun of CaƱete, and I'd bet that he realized the beautiful wetland called "Old Port" which is located in the district of San Antonio, a beautiful place of great importance for birds migratory exudes beauty, poetry and biodiversity .

in this space on which the high pressure exerted urban and suffers, like others, physical and legal took place in 2005 a learning experience environment as part of a youth initiative of the Association Conservation MATTOJ , which aimed to use the natural area adjacent to the community as an open classroom, an environmental education tool allowing revaluation, recognition and ownership of children of this natural area by promoting their conservation.

indelibly and still remember with great nostalgia that despite his young age, children learned to distinguish experts like biologists, the birds that frequent seasonal the area, and with much greater surprise to perceive child concern and outrage for his possible loss, putting in that they are highly sensitive to the problem, paradoxically, not lose sleep over the people or companies that have direct influence on this area. The wetland is an old port owner. ... And is private, comfortable set of summer white painted houses, built without hesitation, on the side of the wetland. If then, as Jorge Drexler say "life is more complex than it seems."

However, were these young experts who raised San Antonio Recipe mightily to the problem: that Puerto Viejo is declared a natural area by the municipality of San Antonio, influential sectors begin to respect and given a tourism management, yes, responsible.

After five years, these children have now become teenagers, and have yet to see their dreams, become sad spectators of how policies and power of a few affect "their" wetlands, becoming nothing more than barriers to conservation.

is then where I wonder: What can be done to turn a friendly puppy into a vicious guard dog?. If we and policies depends on the conservation of spaces. Sometimes it makes me "Unbearable Lightness of Being"

do you think dear reader?