Independence Day Out July 28-August 1
Nature Watching, Photo Safari: Satipo Road

weekend during Fiestas Patrias, Kolibri Expeditions is organizing a trip on Route Birding Center, which leaves from Lima and ends in Satipo-five days. On this tour we will see a large number of species in different habitats, many of them endemic, while we have the opportunity to achieve beautiful images of birds and mammals (en la zona de Satipo te posible ver monos y otros animales), mariposas, orquídeas etc.
Día 1, 28 de julio.- Lima-Ticlio-La Oroya-La Merced-Satipo-Mariposa. Mayormente un día de conducción con paradas estratégicas en la ruta. Noche en el pueblo de Mariposa.
Día 2, 29 de julio.- Visita a la caída de agua cerca del pueblo de Mariposa, observación de aves y mariposas en el camino. Traslado a San Antonio.

Día 3-4.- Observación de aves y mamíferos Satipo road.
Día 5, 1 de agosto.- Regreso a Lima a través de Concepción y Comas.
need to bring: sleeping bag (you sleep in a condition of the local community) repellent, clothing, sunscreen and camera.
Normal price: Approximately $ 650. Price: For non-residents $ 400 and for birders young residents $ 250 (part of the payment, 10% is earmarked for the conservation project in Satipo, also known as Project Pampa Hermosa, by Rainforest Partnership).

can see the following blogpost: When was the last After spending $ 10 wisely? Is a competition for the conservation of the area and Rainforest Partnership is second.
can also see the following blog for details.
Showing some videos with some of the work Kolibri Expeditions has been promoting and coordinating with local communities to achieve properly manage the natural resources of the area:
Includes: Private transfers, accommodation, meals and guided. Using a telescope, species list and advice on nature photography.
Quota: Minimum 4 and maximum 8 people.
Contact & Registration: Email: , Phones: 273-7246, 985-009507 RPM # 804407